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2001-10-16 - 4:17 p.m.

�With no reason to hide these words I feel, and no reason to talk about the books I read, but still I do�.that�s �cos I�m a�sister, I�m a��

So the screening went well, if by well we understand that I managed to avoid strangling myself with my own small intestine every time my 8ft-high face appeared. People were quite complimentary, in as much as people involved in the film industry can be � I�ll take their praise (always delivered to a spot three inches over your left shoulder) even though I know it�s only because they couldn�t avoid passing me on the way to the free bar. The conversations can be annoying, but it�s difficult to work up the effort to get into an argument with someone you know isn�t really interested anyway.

�And I wonder does anybody feel the way I do, and is evil just something you are�or something you do?�

Guy: �So why did you blur out the labels on the beer bottles in that bar scene?�

Me: �Well, the film is kind of anti-advertising and it didn�t seem right to have product placement.�

Guy: �But really, you can get such sweet deals and increase your budget.�

Me: �But I think it would undermine the message we�re trying to��

Guy: (obviously paying attention to the second head that I have 3 inches above my left shoulder) �Do you think the bar tab will run out soon?�

Me: �Tell you what, why don�t you just go over and fix yourself up to a corporate-sponsored intravenous drip, you ignorant, parasitic pondlife?�

Well, I didn�t say that.

But I thought it.

(By the way, if you�re interested in seeing the film, e-mail me and I�ll let you know how, even if you�re an American! For anti-corporates, we�re surprisingly well globally connected.)

�But now I�m a�sister, I�m a...all over this town��

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