newest older email

2001-07-19 - 11:29 p.m.

�start stop and start, stupid acting smart, flirting with the flicks, you say it's just for kicks, you'll be the victim of your own dirty tricks, you got yourself to tease and displease�

I�m no good at travelling to and from work. Everything about it annoys me, and any little thing can push me into a huge commuter depression. It�s not like I even have to travel that far, but the combined elements of habitual lateness, the hangover-induced self-hatred if I was drinking the night before, and looking like three kinds of shit whether I was or I wasn�t, mean it�s a pleasant time for no-one concerned. If I was one of those Japanese salarymen that live out in the far reaches of suburban Tokyo and having to make a round trip of like 46 hours every day to get to work, I�d have settled for a life of petty crime long ago. It�s the little things, I�m sure you�ll agree.

This morning, the train pulls up in an impressive recent personal best of just 17 minutes late, the platform heaving a communal sigh of relative relief. It comes to a halt and we gather round the doors for the routine barging to get seats. One woman is jabbing at the �open� button. The door is staying resolutely shut, and she starts yelping �I can�t get the door open!� I look down the platform and no-one�s door has opened, hinting at some temporary technical problem, but she seems to be blind to this, and is now almost SHOUTING �I can�t get the door open!�, her mind obviously flooded with pictures of her fellow commuters pouring through their functioning doors and into her carriage through a series of internal corridors, where they bound into the seat she so dearly had her heart set on, putting their feet up and passing round the Turkish Delight and morning newspapers, whilst she can only hold onto the ungiving doorframe with the tips of her fingers as the train pulls out, the seated masses doing obscene gestures through the window as the suburbs whiz by. I was about to suggest someone slap her about the face, but the light cam eon and the door opened and she got a seat and I didn�t. I'm looking at getting transferred to Tokyo.

�go walking by, here come another guy, jailer who sells personal hells, who'd like to see me down on my fucking knees, everybody's dying just to get the disease�

Much as we all know and love �Perceptions�, I encourage you to peek at � c�mon, he WAS asking for it a LITTLE bit. Anyway, you're no-one 'til you've had a backlash.

�so sick and tired of all these pictures of me, oh everybody's dying just to get the disease, everybody's dying just to get the disease, everybody's dying just to get the disease�

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