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2000-11-20 - 15:24:37

�One time in LA�.he bought a pair of seven hundred dollar shades��

Looking good, feeling great. Seven days of treating my body like a recycling bin for cheap, unwanted chemicals. It was all circumstantial, your honour, I swear. There were people we had to wine and dine. Well, wine. Well, lager, mostly if you�re going to be picky. Film directors, travel editors, gig promoters, random foreigners who might or might not take photos. They�re all badly needed, so it�s worth putting in some alcohol-fuelled effort in sometimes.

In recreational news, weird party at the weekend. Having been verbally coerced into taking ecstacy by people from 3 different continents (they employed the fabled �pincer� movement, resulting in heavy casualties in the field, and me grinning like a goon), the long term boyfriend of the girl who�s BIRTHDAY party it was thought it the perfectly appropriate time to tell her that he was in fact in love with one of their mutual housemates. I�ve seen better timing, to be fair. All shouty, tear-stained nastiness was hastily shepherded out of the room, though, so as not to affect the ongoing illusion of enjoyment being experienced by the other patrons.

I was talking to a French girl when it started to kick in. She was like a good looking Uma Thurman*. But such was the intense and rapid amplification of all things beautiful, that I had to stop and just walk away. I literally could not bare how good looking she was. And she was just about to tell me about some nudist beach in Mexico. I knew drugs were bad for you.

*Now, I know conventional wisdom would not question the attractiveness of Ms Thurman, but there�s just SOMETHING weird I can�t get over about her, and I don�t know what it is. Whatever it is, this French girl didn�t have it.

��with lizard skin stuck onto the frames��cos this was a nice day and this was LA��

So yesterday I ONLY had to do 4 hours choir practice (MORE songs in German! It�s like Hitler was never beaten�) and 4 hours recording and 2 hours writing on no hours sleep and no hours food and a hangover and a comedown the size of a large kick in the groin. Just be grateful you weren�t in a position where you had to make basic conversation with me, because I wasn�t at my most bright eyed, or bushy tailed.

I�m so employed it�s untrue, and these last 10 days at home sat in front of the twin evil screens of my pc and tv are vital investments of time into the ongoing development of my career, and I�m not in denial AT ALL about not having a paying job. Good thing this city is so cheap to live in.

On December 10th, rock history could well be made. Elsewhere, me and my band will be playing our debut gig.

�The cool people know who the cool people are�cool people know how to play the guitar!�

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