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2004-04-25 - 4:02 p.m.

St Tropez, South of France

Who WAS St Tropez, anyway? From what I�ve seen this weekend they must have been the patron saint of surly rich girls in designer bikinis and mindlessly rich men with big boats. There�s nothing here but a bling and buy sale of conspicuous consumption. It�s where Eurotrash comes to die. And how come continentals all wear funny coloured watches and glasses? Orange. Turquoise. You wouldn�t believe it. Wrinkly old women that look like old pitcher�s mitts with yappy small dogs. Arrogant yachties wearing three hundred pound sweaters around their shoulders. I�m trying to think of something interesting to write about but There. Is. Nothing. I can�t wait to be in London for three weeks. At least the tossers there know how to wear a sweater.

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