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2002-04-17 - 8:55 p.m.

Of course, tube stations are no place for public displays of jollity, but today I was taken in no small way aback by two independent such instances. A couple of admittedly quite sane-looking people chose to slide jauntily down the banisters of the stairs instead of the traditionally-favoured walking method, as if they were in some big-band theme-songed musical and this was the bit after they�d won over the girl and they were so overcome with joy that they were happy to use hygienically-questionable street paraphernalia as dance props. I half expected them to run up to walls and do that fancy �walking up them and doing a somersault� move. I just thought, �I bet those people don�t have to temp for a living�, and then �They�d look really stupid if there was a jagged shard of metal on the rail that coldly ripped through their pants and caused fatal lacerations�. I really hope my life isn�t turning into a Hollywood musical because that would really finish me off.

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