newest older email

2004-10-20 - 12:59 p.m.

It gives me great pleasure to invite you to footle, traipse and shilly-shally around my new website, a version of which is up now for your nosing pleasure. A lot of it is still missing, and some of the links have to be fixed � I know about these, but if you have any general feedback, please don�t hold back. Try to keep the bad language down to a minimum, though, eh?

Any suggestions, criticisms, family recipes or voodoo curse lifting spells would be gratefully received. The contact button is not working yet, so e-mail me at: pablo AT diaryland dot com, or sign the book of guests.

The site should be up and running in a week or so, but feel free to splash around in the shallow end and tell me if there are any floating foreign objects in the pool.

Free your minds and loosen your pants HERE

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