newest older email

2004-09-07 - 12:41 a.m.

(this entry written before I left for Sydney, and was never posted for technical reasons. Im here now, but too tired to write anything, so more apres-lag, as no-one says...)

In 30 minutes I�ll be nobbing off for a month on the razz after what feels like the longest summer in existence, like one of those millennium long seasons that happen when a meteor or some other errant space rock hits the earth and boils everything alive. I�m like a single-celled microbe of bacterial slime crawling out of the bubbling primordial soup, or at least that�s what I intend to be by last orders tonight.

This weekend I will mostly be sleeping until they call me Rip van Kickasso, and then on Sunday night I�ll be getting a flight to Sydney, arriving Tuesday morning, which is quite scary when you think about it. I can smell the DVT from here.

I bought a new laptop under the expert tutelage of Mr Bruce, so that I could be productive on the road, like Kerouac with his shiny bogroll (was that him?) and I have plans to write prolifically, though it�s more likely I will just slash the entire four weeks up the wall and just doss around on MSN and this place. Which sounds good to me.

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