newest older email

2003-08-15 - 3:02 p.m.

Many thanks for the encouraging display of overwhelming disinterest (apart from fellow visionary Grim) in googlism poetry. It affirmed my faith that it, as the French would say, fucking sucks (�eet fouquing suques?�).

Never mind. So I�m heading out to that crazee city we New York, if they can keep their lights on for more than five minutes, in early September, so if you live there or thereabouts (and the people concerned know very well who I�m talking about. Yes, YOU), you should definitely come out and play, if you haven�t turned into some kind of mutated albino mole person, living in a pitch black catacomb of dank, dark tunnels and appearing, squint-eyed in the dewy dawn light to forage for edible morsels in old KFC buckets. I imagine that�s pretty much the state of things in Manhattan about now. Am I right? You know I am, albino mole people. But if you can stand the cold light of day for more than a few hours before it renders your decimated retinas completely useless, you should come and have a drink, and marvel at my swanky hotel blagging skillz � hello St Regis!

As well as that, I am working on a writing project that involves meeting up with diarylanders, and if you�re up for my examining the minutiae of your daily life, you should let me know that too. Or if you can recommend anyone extremely interesting in any way, then do so, or feel my wrath. Or something.

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