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2002-09-02 - 6:24 p.m.

Sadly tonight sees the last episode of Six Feet Under (series one for us yookay types) but luckily the next series begins in only seven days, so it's like there's no break, and my raging crushes on, in no particular order, Clair, Brenda, Nate and, sometimes, I admit, David can continue unabated. It's pretty bad at the moment, what with the gastro-porn of Nigella Luhhhhaaaahhhhoooohhhhson back on the box and just about everybody in the city looking model good in the last of the sun-she-eyen (cheers, Liam), despite the collective revulsion that we surely must all feel about David Beckham and his lovely wife calling their child "Romeo". It doesn't show, in any case, and everyone has that golden, late-summer sheen. Anyway, cue the latest in a very long series of cold showers.

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