newest older email

2002-05-03 - 7:11 p.m.

Postcard from the Dodecanese Islands. it's a tough life, getting paid to lie on idyllic beaches and drinking retsina until you can't see. The press group is very jolly, and includes a guy who is perhaps the world's most intelligent man. i think he went to Brainchester Academy for the terminally swotty or some other expensive thinkery. Um. What have we done? Amazing food, monastries and dynamite exploding to celebrate Greek Easter (?!). It's like being in Captain Corelli's Mandolin but without sparrow-face Cruz arsing about all over the place. Tomorrow we take Turkey.

And I'll try and defend my idiocy when I get back. For now, I'm being shouted at by the taverna owner, though it's all Greek to me...

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